Gardners Delight
Gardners Delight
Gardners Delight is a gentle and effective soap designed to help gardeners keep their hands clean. Its natural and non-toxic ingredients are specially formulated to remove dirt and grime without harsh chemicals, leaving hands feeling soft and refreshed.
With beautiful, flower fragrances this soap gives off a sweet and delicate scent. Home grown, calendula, lavender, chamomile, rose, gomphrena buds, rosemary, basil, and lemon balm in and on the bar. These flowers are also used to infuse the olive oil used in this soap insurging the bars get all the goodness and benefits from these flowers and herbs
Our soap base is 100% organic coconut oil, olive oil, reasonably sustained palm oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil and distilled water, mica for colorant, fragrance blend.